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art, creative & film direction
We bring years of experience in art and creative direction, having worked for some of the most renowned outlets in the creative industry in Switzerland and Germany.
Anker 1

concept & consulting
We research and write concepts and exposés before we start implementing a story, so that everyone involved has the same idea of what we want to tell the audience and what media are best suited to publish our digital stories.

photography & reportage
We have created award-winning photostories for magazins and newspapers such as GEO, Stern, die Zeit or NZZ. Our work was published online by the Guardian, National Geographic and many more.

video & moving images
We produce video stories for websites, social media and tv from the concept to the final edit to reduce production time and manpower as well as logistical expenses.

picture & video editing
We carefully edit photo and video material to make our stories attractive and compelling for any audience not only visually, but also in terms of content and storytelling.

We work with award-winnnig journalists and copywriters to forge outstanding articles, videos and podcasts. We also work with professional voice over actors, sound studios and composers.

sound & film music
We produce custom tailored music, compositions and sound design in order to enhance the emotional impact of our videos and stories.
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